Monday, February 27, 2006

February 27th, 2006

Jess has been doing well in therapies. Tracy, the speech therapist, asked him to wipe his mouth with a washcloth and he brought his hand right up to his face. She also asks him to kick an exercise ball off of his legs while sitting in the wheelchair and he does it. She puts it on his lap and he pushed it off with his hand when she asked him to. He also moved some cones sitting on a table with his hand. She is very patient and waits as long as it takes for him to respond. Amanda has been doing his tongue and eye exercises with him when she has time at school. We are noticing he looks around a lot more and we feel the glasses and exercises are a big help. Robbin, the PT at school, says she sees good changes in Jess' response time. Amanda said she heard Susan (OT) squeal in delight in one of their sessions at school so that was a good sign. And, they feel he is sitting stronger on the horse. He is lifting his head off the headrest and pillow too.

Chris and I have both been noticing a different look on his face and more emotion. We worry that if he does know how limited his body is moving he must be very frustrated. Especially knowing my Jess and how much he loved to be constantly moving in some sport, social activity, computer project or game or wiring & building something. He was never still. I guess we are still keeping him pretty busy.

I have been a little out of commission for the last week with a hurt shoulder so I haven't updated this site for 10 days. Sorry! A big thank you to Chris, Amanda, Daniel and my mom for taking my place while I rest a bad rotator cuff. I even broke down and had a cortisone shot in hopes it will keep me out of surgery. I guess I better hit the weight room in my spare time. What next, I ask, what next...

Friday, February 17, 2006

February 17th, 2006

Where did this week go? All I know is on Monday I loaded and unloaded Jess six times in and out of the van and Amanda did the same twice. Every day after that was about the same and it was a bit chilly with the temperature in the lower teens. Jess is going up to the rehab department of our hospital which is about 15 miles from our house 3 times a week. He has OT, PT and Speech with all new therapists. The speech therapist worked with Jess when we first came home and has not seen him for more than 6 months. She noticed a lot of changes...quicker responses, accuracy in the yes/no eye blinks, responding to commands, stronger tongue and much more alert. It was so good to hear such positive comments. The other therapists have not worked with someone like Jess but are very willing to learn the techniques outlined from the Centre of Neuro Skills in CA. He is also back in school three afternoons a week thankfully with Amanda by his side. He has OT, PT and speech twice a week at school. He is also attending his favorite class Psyche of Success where the kids interact with him and Ms. Patzer fills them full of wonderful knowledge. He rides Camo twice a week and the first day they were all amazed how well he handled being back on the horse. We are hoping to get rid of the rigid neck brace and try just using his soft collar, but it may be a few weeks before we give that a try. Jess also had acupuncture with our special acupuncurist "Joan" and we have yet to reschedule cranial sacral with Beth and Gordon.

Chris is taking Wednesdays off work so he can take Jess to his activities. They are going to get him in the pool next week. We are lucky to have Daniel entertain and escort him on Thursdays. I take the other days and try to find time to work and catch up on the home front. We are so grateful to all of the wonderful people that spend time with Jess. It is a big team effort. By the way...we do really miss Tami and John coming to our house for therapy. They became part of the family but the new rules don't allow us to have in home therapies anymore.

I also had many meetings in the last two weeks and all of them were very positive. Representatives from Idaho Medicaid came to visit with me twice and were very helpful in trying to find ways for me to access programs for Jess since we are in such a rural area. I have learned perseverance, patience and being an advocate for my son pays off...I just won't take no for an answer.

It's good to be home but there are a few things I miss in California. One is, of course, the weather, another is the support of other families that know what we are going through, the other is the convenience of just going to one clinic and knowing that they know a great deal about brain injuries and I also found my life was a bit simpler with just Jess to focus on. It was great not getting or paying any bills and only cleaning up for myself! But it sure was lonely not having family and friends close. So, as I have said all along...everything is temporary and things always change. That' a good thing....Jess is changing and things will continue to get better! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 9, 2006

February 9th, 2006

I am sorry but I finally gave up on getting rid of the spam in the guestbook so I uninstalled it. Joey tried to fix it but the spammers are very clever. He is off on his honeymoon in Australia. I decided it was too time consuming deleting those awful messages every day so I got rid of it. Please email us at the address below with comments or messages to Jess. We love to hear from you and I will read all of them to Jess.

It has been a very busy week. I have met or talked to Amanda, Daniel, the school, the horse arena, the hospital therapy department and Medicaid. So far, everyone has been more than helpful and concerned about getting Jess the therapies and care he needs. He will have a busy schedule again which is what the neurologist, counselor, case manager and therapists recommended in California. The next few years are critical.

Chris and I are both exhausted. For some reason we just can't get our energy back. It is mentally and physically challenging to keep up with all that needs to be done. Not complaining...just being honest. Parents will do anything for their kids and we will continue to do the best we possibly can for Jess. We love him!

Saturday, February 4, 2006

February 4, 2006

We are finally home. It took us 3 days and 2 nights. The pass we had to travel was better than expected but we took our time so Jess would not be in the wheelchair for too long each day. It is good to be home but a little overwhelming. I had everything organized in California and now I have to reorganize here. I have a meeting with Medicaid to see what therapies they will cover next week and we want to get Jess back in school and horseback riding. The last 62 days were interesting...Jess was actually only in therapy 41 days and the other 21 days we spent hanging out together. All and all it was a good decision to go to the Centre for Neuro Skills...not only for Jess but for our peace of mind.

The last few days there were full of events. The eye specialist had requested that we fly one of our occupational therapists out to train with her in regards to the exercises needed to correct Jess' vision. We are so grateful to Blake Walsh from the school district for offering to fly our OT, Susan Cooper, to Bakersfield to train with the eye doctor and follow Jess to each of his therapists at CNS. She had a chance to see what he has been doing for the last 2 months. She is an angel for coming and we can't thank both of them enough for being there for us again. We are still blessed in so many ways.

CNS gave Jess a little going away party the last day. Everyone had cake and sang him a song. We met so many wonderful professionals along with other families traveling our same path. Brain injury is a cruel event that happens to so many people and their families. The hardest part is trusting that there will eventually be a good outcome.
Well, I have a pile of paperwork, a lot of stuff to put away and Chris has a lot of snow to plow. We are all exhausted and glad to be home. We are still not quite sure where we are going or what we have accomplished while we were gone. But, we must remain in the mindset that it is all good.