Saturday, June 17, 2006

June 17th, 2006 - Two Years

Today is just another day! Yes, it is a reminder that we lost the Jess that we knew on this day two years ago and that June 17th, 2004 changed the lives of many of those who love Jess forever. But, it is also a reminder of how far we have all come and also a reminder of how many wonderful people that have touched our lives in those two years. We survived!
I guess most people from what I have been told would have given up by now and put someone like Jess, who has such a debilitating brain injury, in a nursing home and would only visit them once a year. We have compassion for those family members because we know how hard it is to see someone you love go through what Jess goes through on a daily basis. Then again, I remember a young man in the facility we went to for two days in Boise in the beginning who had a terrible brain injury and his mother visited him every single day and sat by his side for hours. So, we just do the best that we can with the situations we are given and take one day at a time.
Jess is well and healthy and loved. The prognosis is not so good as we are continually told, but I think that depends on whose eyes you are looking through. We are continuing our journey to do all we can and still await the time when we can see our Jess walk and talk and laugh and cry again. And, of course, I am still waiting for that hug.
With everything in our lives, there is the good and the bad. And, today is also the wedding day our precious friend and Jess' companion and caregiver, Amanda. An event and a day to celebrate....Congratulations Amanda and Steve! May your love for each other carry you through the challenges in life and we hope you have a very few of those and a wonderful and happy life together.We also wish all those dad's out there a....HAPPY FATHER's DAY!!!!

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

June 7, 2006

Last night was our first night in 8 days without our little granddaughter in the house. Boy, was she a bundle of energy and did she bring lots of smiles to this household. Just the little whisper "I love you Uncle Jess" was enough to steal your heart. Jamie is feeling better thank goodness and we are back into the routine.
Chris finished the tandem bike he has been working on for he and Jess. They had their first trial ride and it was amazing to see Jess and his dad sitting side by side on a bicycle. Jess can't assist in pedaling yet but he gets the feeling of riding a bike and has the opportunity to pedal when the urge arises. Just feeling the wind and the freedom has to be thrilling for Jess.
I was also able to get the rotating mattress on a trial basis for 30 days to see if it would accomplish what we hoped for Jess. As I have learned....if you don't ask the answer is always no. Anyway, it is so great! Jess & I actually slept from 11 until 4 a.m. last night without me having to jump up and roll him on his side every two hours. It is computerized to rock him left, center and right every hour. And, it is very quiet. Now, my next quest is to get insurance and Medicaid to believe that it is a medical necessity.
I have been looking at travel trailers too. It would be so much easier for us to travel and maybe even go camping again if we had a trailer all set up with the things Jess needs. When we stay in a motel it looks like we are moving in for the duration by the time we get all of our "stuff" in the room. So, I'm looking at those toy haulers. The whole back end drops down and makes a ramp. We could just roll Jess right in and have everything he needs. It is all about finding ways to make our lives easier.
Amanda is getting married this month so I had a little bridal shower for her on Monday. It was so fun and we wish her more than the best in her marriage. She has been working so hard with Jess trying to get him to make sounds. She works on his eyes, on communication, on range of motion and I truly believe they have become best friends. She knows Jess can read and she believes like all of us that it is just a matter of time. What good does it do us to believe any different? Thanks for checking on us!