Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy New Year!

I just returned home from taking Joey and Angela back to Boise to fly home to Minneapolis tomorrow. We had a wonderful week with them and Jamie and Jahara. Jess was very alert and smiled at all of them all during the week. I know he had so much he wanted to share with them and must feel so frustrated that he can't get the words out. It was really hard to see them all leave.

We did give Jess 10 mg of Ambien one day and he did seem to move and wiggle more than normal. It only lasted for about an hour and then he was pretty wiped out. So, we decided it's not worth tiring him out at this point. Maybe he's just not quite ready.

He had a few visitors during the week such as his good friend Dustin, a substitute teacher, Tracy, who spent time with him at school, Angela, a friend from when he was about 10, and his other long time friend Mikey who ran into him at therapy. I wasn't there but heard from everyone that Jess gave Mikey a look and a smile that lit up the room and all of their hearts. We know he's in there and that kind of response just verifies it. He does miss his friends. Thanks to all of you for sharing some time with him.

We took the whole family and Brandie to the play, "Snowflake" one night. It was a very entertaining and heartwarming one man play. The actor had also been in a car accident earlier in his life and was told he would never walk again. You would never know it watching him dance around the stage. Jess was very attentive and actually turned his head and eyes following him across the stage. We were quite the group with Jess' four year old neice, his 88 year old grandma, his sister in law who is eight months pregnant (with my little grandson), his mom, dad and his sister. It was an evening we all remember.

Jess had a little seizure yesterday. It again was scary and reminded us of how things can change in an instant. He stopped on his own and I quickly gave him extra seizure medication and Ativan to ensure he wouldn't start up again. We, of course, always wonder what triggers the abnormal electrical discharge in his brain but we never seem to find a reliable cause. The after events are always interesting. This time he has been very alert today and seemed happier than usual. Other times it wipes him out for a couple of weeks. We are just glad it didn't last very long.

Not much more to report except we want to wish everyone a wonderful remaining holiday and the best New Year ever! We are expecting lots of good surprises! Why not?
Our love to all...Pam, Chris & Jess

Monday, December 17, 2007

Three and one half years today!

I don't have any new news. Jess is doing just fine. He is healthy, warm, loved and he even shares quite a few smiles lately. Today marks 3 1/2 years since Jess was hurt. They told us not to expect much change after one year but if we give up and listen to those thoughts...what then? I say you never give up and so what if a year or two or three has past. We are all still here! And, what do they know anyway...miracles happen everyday!

We have not heard from the Cleveland Clinic but today they performed the brain stimulation surgery on the second of the 11 candidates for the study. We send them our best wishes for another success!

We are so anxious for Joey, Angela, Jamie and Jahara to come home for Christmas. There is nothing better than to have family around at Christmas. Enjoy getting into the Christmas spirit! It is a crazy emotional hustle bustle time of year that comes and goes so fast. Take a deep breath and enjoy. It will all be over before we know it!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Where is our miracle?

I just wanted to give you a quick update. We gave Jess the Ambien for 3 days and did not see much change so we stopped. I think we will try again tomorrow. We just wish we knew what Jess was feeling. He didn't get sleepy. I emailed the doctor that was on 60 minutes at the Cornell University to get more information on the protocol for using Ambien but I have not heard back from him.

I also sent the video to the Cleveland Clinic so we will see what they think of my beautiful son! He did do some good moves on tape.

I'll be back with more info soon...

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Today we gave Jess the sleeping pill, Ambien that was broadcast on 60 minutes last Sunday. We had an appointment with his neurologist on Friday and asked her for a prescription. We gave it to him at 10:30 a.m. and, of course, had expectations that he was going to start talking to us. Not quite, but he did move his legs and arms a lot more than normal and when Chris was standing him he shifted his hips back and forth. It was pretty weird that he didn't sleep much all day. We are going to try it every day for a week to see if it does anything to help him respond.

I will be sending the video off to the Cleveland Clinic this week. The second candidate will be going into surgery soon. We are anxious to see if their will be another positive outcome. It would be a wonderful miracle for that person and for the family.

Snow is falling and the holiday mood is upon us. Enjoy the season...we need to all take time and remember what is really important. Good night!