Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holidays

I received this in an email today and liked it so much I wanted to share it with you.

Giving and Receiving

As humans, we are often creatures of excess. Bigger is better (size does count, doesn't it?), more is better, and excess is even better than more. The biggest house, the tallest tree, the most gifts under the tree; we may find ourselves at times in a battle with the universe, one of your own making, to prove that in our excess we are more generous, more successful, - and more mortal.

Surround ourselves with things and you stave off mortality; this is how the thinking seems to unfold for some. It is as if death will be unable to find us if we are hidden beneath a layer of material things.

During this holiday season and especially on the day that many celebrate the birth of Christ, on a day that has become a pageant of giving and receiving, take a few moments to consider what is "real." If you stripped down your life to what is most important, most real, what would be left? Relationships. Not houses. Not Cars. Not those ribboned gifts under the tree. People would be left. Knowing this, celebrate your relationships today: their birth, their existence, their importance in your life.

Tell your loved ones what they mean to you today. Celebrate the joyful, hopeful essence of human relationship; honor it by giving a voice to how you feel.

We would like to express to you how important it really is to share how you feel with those you love. There is so much we wish we could have said to Jess before he got hurt. I would give anything to have a conversation with him again. I do feel blessed that we did have many heart to heart discussions. But now, I miss those discussions so much. I miss his voice. I have his message saved from his cell phone that I can play whenever I think I have forgotten the tone of his voice.So, please let those you love know how special they are today. Tell them how much they are loved this holiday season. There is no finer gift!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

December already!

I don't know where November went. We have been pretty busy with Jess home full time. We are doing all of his therapies here at the house except for horseback riding, of course. John, our OT, is helping us twice a week to get Jess in the walking sling. He has successfully moved his left leg but it takes so much effort. Tracy, our Speech therapist, is getting Jess to move a joystick to point at words. At first he could not control it but now he is moving it slowly to control where the pointer goes. Chris is still standing Jess whenever he can to keep his bones strong. I am up to 62 sessions on the neurofeedback program. We haven't had a seizure since November 11th. I can't get too excited because he usually has at least one a month. But I can sure hope for the best.

We are seeing a new doctor, Dr. Archie, here in town that also does acupuncture and prescribes Chinese herbs. We are starting Jess on some of the herbs to help the seizures next week. He is also doing a nutritional evaluation to make sure Jess isn't missing something from his diet. It is nice to have an alternative to the hard core seizure drugs that make him so non-responsive.

We had a nice Thanksgiving. Mom came over for a few days and Claudia, Jess' aunt, came over for dinner. Jess was excited to see them both. Holidays are still tough for us. I wonder if it ever gets easier.

We have kind of settled into a routine. Not exactly an easy one but it works. We keep waiting for Jess to just start talking or hold his head up or move his arms and legs without being asked. We do get that smile once in awhile, two blinks for yes and I still get three blinks for "I love you". We still can't help but ask "why" a lot and we still don't really get an answer. We have sure learned to appreciate the small things though.

Thanks for checking in...Pam, Chris & Jess

P.S. We are having a healthy chocolate tasting party tomorrow. It will be fun to see some friends, laugh and eat chocolate. We don't get out much so as I said the little pleasures are important. Stop by around 2:00 if you are in the neighborhood and learn how good chocolate can be for your health. We will have some packaged for Christmas gifts if you need an idea for someone. Click on our website Xocai Chocolate if you are curious. Christmas is only 18 days away! Oh my!